Healthy Immune System – Your Best Defense in Wall

With over a year into the covid 19 pandemic, we are beginning to understand the situation and find ways to deal with it. On the pharmaceutical side there are now better treatments to prevent serious illness and death and aid in recovery. There are also vaccines, which are really a covid 19 shot, as they do not fit the true definition of a vaccine. So what is your best defense not only against covid 19 but for any virus or illness? If you answered a healthy immune system in Wall, you are correct.
Sounds great but what is a healthy immune system? It is a body that is functioning properly through all of the systems of the body. So, for example, if you have high blood pressure, that is an irregularity of your cardiovascular system. That does affect your immune system negatively. The three top co-morbidity factors for covid 19 are blood sugar issues like diabetes, heart issues, hypertension, and obesity.
Optimizing Your Immune System in Wall
Healthy Diet
Your diet should include plenty of vegetables, some fruit, and good, high-quality protein. Avoid flour and sugar as they are both inflammatory to the body, which leads to many health problems. Everyone should read and follow the ‘Deflame Diet’ by Dr. David Seaman. We have previously discussed the importance of proper vitamin D levels, which usually require supplementation if you are deficient.
- Get tested for vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency
Click Here to Read our Blog on Vitamin D and Athletic Performance
Regular Exercise
If I ask someone the difference between a live and dead body, there are many varied responses. Some say a heartbeat, brain activity, respiration etc. and they are all correct. But each of those can be broken down further into MOVEMENT. Movement of brain cells for brain activity, movement of heart muscles and blood for a heartbeat, movement of air, in and out of the lungs for breathing. So movement is essential for the body to function properly.
Anyone at any age or level of fitness can add movement into their daily life. Gardening, yard work, and short walks are some simple but effective examples. With many people working from home, we are seeing an increase in neck and back pain from sitting at the computer for prolonged periods of time. Find something you like whether it’s walking, tennis, cycling, swimming, weight lifting, and many others, and get moving.
Those are two ways to get started on building a healthier immune system, Our next article will expand on this topic, focusing on how hydration, mental outlook, and your central nervous system influence the health of your immune system.
- 30 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity 4 or more days per week.
Immune System Health Therapy Available in Wall, New Jersey
You are only as strong as your weakest link, we can address sports injuries and chiropractic concerns, but a healthy immune system is equally important. If you have questions about immune health and how to ensure you are doing everything you can to promote a strong immune system, reach out to the specialists at Active Release & Chiropractic for more information! Having a healthy immune system has never been more important than right now!
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 7:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Active Release and
Chiropractic Center
3350 NJ-138 Building 2 Suite 227
Wall, NJ 07719